Started: March 26, 2001 Finished: March 30, 2001 Disclaimer: Boys don't belong to me. But the story plot does! And the Angels, and the past life characters, and everyone else. ^^;; But still, babysitting the G-boys is fun... others should try it sometimes! *winces as crashing sounds are heard in the background* ....really! 1+2/2+1... used to be 1x2? AU, past lives, OOC, all that good stuff. C & C very, very welcome. ^_^ I don't really respond to the small reviews, but I always write back if someone emails me! Imminent Fate, part 15 Shamera Quatre looked out the window one more, about to give up with a sigh when he saw something moving at the end of the block. Blinking, he squinted at the figures, then left the window-seat and flew down the stairs, pounding his feet as loudly as he could on the steps to get everyone out. "They're back!" He saw Wufei poke his head out of his room curiously, eyes raised. Quatre threw open the door to the room that he and Trowa shared and dragged the started boy from where he had been sitting, reading a novel. "Heero and Duo are back," he offered as an explination and gave a shakey smile. "We still have to explain the situation to them..." Trowa gave a look at Quatre, and then nodded in consent, allowing the small Arabian boy to pull him into the kitchen. There was a slight clutter as the two said pilots appeared in the kitchen, having taken the way back as Quatre had predicted. They had dropped off a large, red-bound book onto the counter and were in the process of light chatter. Seeing Quatre with Trowa being dragged behind him stopped whatever conversation they were having. "Hey, Q," Duo said cheerfully, "What's up?" Quatre gave a small smile in return and said nothing, extending his hand to show them the time key and also offering it to them. Duo didn't react as badly as Quatre would have thought. "Aww, man, Quatre, you actually accepted that stupid thing? I guess we're going to be going back after all, huh?" With that said, Duo reached over and took the time key from Quatre, examining it as he turned it over and over with his hands. He gave into his interest and studied the key slowly, wondering what was so special about it besides the fact that it looked very old. Actually, it looked like any other key that had seen. There was nothing special as far as he could see. It was a key, with some grooves on the bottom to tell that it fitted in *something*, and and a hole on the top so it could be put into a keychain. Or something. The entire thing was an ugly grey color, reminding Duo of some really dull iron that had been made back in the stoneage. The kind that was so dull you wonder how it was ever made in the first place. "I don't remember how Zechs talked us into it," Quatre admitted guiltily. "It was something about showing us the images and describing to us how souls die-" he turned a bit pale with saying that, "and the rate that the deaths were occurring. I'm sorry about not consulting you two." Duo gave a secret smile. "That's alright, Quatre." He held up a finger and slowly wagged it side to side. "But you might want to think about it before you jump head-first. That was what happened to me." The secret smile was there again. "You might want to see some of the information that Heero and I brought back that Zechs might not have told you about." "Information?" Quatre asked dumbly. "Yeah. You know, like how to get back? Or where we're going, for that matter? If this is going to affect history and cause a time paradox?" Looking abashed, Quatre realized that he had jumped head-first into things and that he hadn't asked that at all. He had just felt the need to help and to stop these gruesome things that were happening like Zechs was describing them. "I didn't think about that..." Duo nodded. "I know. Kinda like me last time. But we have to figure out what's going on before we can actually follow through with whatever we're going to be doing." "No need." All the boys in the room turned towards the voice of Wufei, who was standing in the hallway with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed. "I've already asked about it." Wufei slantered into the room, looking smug and able to feel that way without the others interferring because he had a right to do so. "I was asking," he emphasized on 'asking', "Zechs about what the trip would do, and where we would go." He gave a sympathetic look to Quatre, "Sometimes we can't see beyond trying to help. That's a good thing, and I almost feel ashamed for seeing nothing but the tactical efforts of this trip." Quatre gave an abashed smile. "We won't be affecting history because we'll be going to the very end of the ten years that never affected history. It's around the end of the high middle ages, but we won't see much affect on the town that we're going to. Basically, he's going to drop us off at the beginning of a battle." Wufei was scowling. "We can't interfere with the battle, but he said that no matter what we did, we wouldn't be able to change the outcome anyway. So if we wanted to, we might be able to try and help." "Aa." Duo still looked slightly disturbed. "I don't know what he was babbering about afterwards," Wufei grumbled, "But he said something about the 'proof not able to change what had happened'?" The other boys automatically stored that to the back of their heads. There were a few uncomfortable shuffles as they realized about what was going to happen- really going to happen. "Do you know anything more?" Quatre asked. Wufei shook his head. "No. That was all that I got. Oh!" He smacked a fist into his hand, "We get back the same way we go. We're supposed to find a book on that time, and somehow let the key figure out what time period it's about. The book goes with us, and we get back here the same way," he shrugged and narrowed his eyes, "so we just have to figure out how to get back and it'll be the same way one the round trip." "You mean this book?" Duo pointed to the book that he had Heero had brought back. He sneaked a glance over to Heero and saw the other boy frowning over what Wufei had said. "You mean that's a book on the time that we're going to?" Quatre asked. "Wasn't that time supposed to be forgotten by history?" "Are you sure that we get back the same way?" Heero blurted out to Wufei, ignoring Quatre's question. Wufei looked to Heero. "Yes. If it isn't, he informed me that there are plenty of magical creatures there who will help us back. Like the Delos' and their inability to *not* interfere when it comes to one touched by Elysian, those creatures have to help us get back if we so wanted them to." He paused. "It's their duty." Duo blew out a breath through his hair and grinned. "Geez, Wufei, that sounds like you and your honor, doesn't it?" Wufei gave Duo a look. "This is serious, Maxwell. This is on account of us getting back. If we can't find a way to get back, we're going to be stuck there- with no one to fight to war for the colonys." Duo shut up. "Yes, there will be a way to get back." Wufei informed Heero. "We can't live in that time because after the time limit, we *would* be causing a time paradox and that's not allowed to happen." Heero nodded. "Aa. But the main point is the target. We have a target, I persume?" The boys looked around at each other before Duo spoke up, "How 'bout we find that Angel that was lost and tell him or her to go back? This is all because of that Angel, ne?" he cocked his head. "We go back, hopefully some time before the battle, and talk to those mythical creatures that Zechs was talking about, and then get them to help us. I'm sure that people would help if they only know what was happening." "Maybe. But there's still people who won't," Quatre warned. Duo faced Quatre, making a face. "You can't honestly say that. We're dealing with mythical creatures who have been taking care of children for about seven years." "" Trowa voiced, and they all, with the exception of Heero, looked over at Duo expectantly. "Oh!" Duo snapped his fingers, one hand going up to rub the back of his head as he gave a nervous chuckle. "You haven't seen the book yet." he indicated to the red-bound book that rested on the table. "It's a book on the years that we'll be going to." He waited a moment, and only watched as Quatre hesitated, then picked up the heavy book, arms testing out the weight of the leather bound album. The others were quiet, and for a moment Duo wondered about what they were all thinking about, knowing that they were about to go back in time. He knew that he was trying *not* to think about it, but also knew that he *had* to. Time travelled boggled him, but he still needed to concentrate on the fact that they had a mission to focus on. But maybe he should let the mission planning to Heero. Naaah. Dear boy would get them all killed if he wasn't careful. As long as the mission was fulfilled. Which reminded him... "You know," Duo interupted the introspective silence, "The Docs haven't sent us anything for the past few weeks. I'd have thought that they would have the thought that the perfect time to strike would be when OZ wasn't going to attack back." "I've been wondering that also," Wufei mused, eyeing the book in Quatre's hands. "But I haven't been able to contact them for a while. They're as far aways as the war is as of the moment. But they'll be back once the truce is over." Duo winced. "Oh great, we're going to get more missions immediantly after we complete this one." He sighed. "We shouldn't have agreed to continue as if nothing's happened after this...." "It was the only thing to agree to," Heero reminded him. "Doesn't mean I have to like it..." Duo muttered, then stretched. "Feel like getting this over with? Maybe we can go, fix the problem, and then come back with some time to spare... I mean, we'll tell Treize and Zechs that we finished this a week afterwards, 'kay? Then I might be able to have a week to sleep." "The key, Duo?" Quatre asked. "Eeh? What's that?" "The key." Quatre nodded to Duo's hand, where the long-haired boy still held the time key. Duo looked up and laughed nervously, putting down his arms and handing over the time key, which had been clutched in his left hand, to Quatre. "So we're going?" Quatre asked. He looked around the other boys. "There's no objections?" They shook their heads. "No objections to trying now, is there?" Again, they shook their heads. "Now's a good as a time as any. We're not really sleepy, at the peak of our energy, not really hungry.... on second thought, maybe we *should* eat before we go." Duo considered this. "And if we throw up during the journey?" Heero asked him. "...Or maybe not." Duo amended. He grinned. "That means we go now? We're going to hop through time?" "I don't see why not if we can get this to work," Quatre said. He once again looked around to confirm this. "We don't really need anything, do we? Weapons? Food? Personal items? Paper?" "We're pilots." Wufei answered, voice slightly annoyed. "We don't have much for personal possession. And I'd be surprised if any one of us doesn't have weapons on ourselves at this moment." he raised an eyebrow at them, daring them to oppose. "Even if it might change history to see things like that...." To that, even Quatre looked a little sheepish. They all knew never to go or leave without weapons. Never knew when trouble might be lurking.... even if they did have a temporary truce with OZ... or Treize. "Cool." Duo stated. "Let's go." He leaned across the table as Quatre set down the book. "You guys can read that when we're there." Quatre didn't respond, but was holding the key in his hand, and looking at the book expectantly. Taking a shallow breath, he set the key into one of the pages in the book, and looked at Wufei. "Is this it?" He asked softly. Wufei nodded. "That's what Zechs told me." "I keep thinking we're rushing things..." Quatre muttered, but still pressed the key into the book lightly as the metal... wavered in his hand. He yelped and stepped back into Trowa, who clutched at the blonde's arm to make sure that he didn't fall. "Shit!" Duo cursed and also took a step back, having been leaning close to see what was going to happen. He nearly stepped into Heero as his eyes stayed on the key, whose metal was melting into the page of the book. Okay. So it was real. Shit. *It was real.* Even Wufei looked alarmed as the metal melted and started to reflect the contents and words that had been on that page. There was a strange tilt to the shine that reflected, as if there wasn't really something *right*. Not the kind of shine that was said in stories, but more of a muddy color, as if someone had spilled some sort of toxic coffee over the page. Heck, over the whole book! "Is that *supposed* to do that?" Duo demanded, looking at Wufei. The said teenager in question on shook his head numbly, looking as confused as Duo felt. "I don't know." Wufei said simply. "This is how it works?!" Quatre was near shouting. The muddled shine from the melted key was starting to get brighter, and there were shadows in the room due to the light that was caused by the book. Suddenly, there was a bright flash, causing the pilots to cry out as their eyes were exposed to the brightness so suddenly. Wufei dropped out the sight from the light, rolling to shield his eyes. Trowa caught Quatre as the slight boy fell back from the shock of the intensity of the light. Heero tightened his grip on Duo as the latter cried out at the flash and buried his face in the former's neck. After the flash faded, the others were lucky enough that they hadn't recovered from the light enough so that they hadn't opened their eyes yet. They were spared the second flash as it came, but could feel the third flash of light even though they were turned away from the source. The las thing that Duo remembered before the darkness overtook him was that Heero had him cradled tightly against the boy's neck, and that he had his arms around Heero as tightly as he could have managed. But then it all blacked out. End part 15. Um... yeah, that was one big scene. ^o^=3 That took forever!!! Gomen, gomen! With a whole bunch of reports, and school taking me away from the precious leisure time, I couldn't get on this story for more than a few minutes a day. If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to keep the parts down to about 15-20kb were part. Isn't something to restrict the story- just something I wanted to try. Again, sorry for how long this took! Gomen!! *bow head* Please review!! It'll help me write faster.